A student standing outside in front of the Boilermaker Special

Purdue in Indianapolis Housing Move-In Details

We are excited to welcome you to campus! We have prepared the following resources to help you through the process of accessing campus, navigating through your check-in location and where to park once your Boilermaker has unloaded their belongings. 

Please continue to check this page to get the most updated move-in information as it is made available.

Details regarding move-in for the West Lafayette campus can be found here.

Move-In Details

The 2025 Spring Semester Purdue University Residences contract begins Monday, January 13, 2025. All new students and returning residents may move in beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025, any time after 9 a.m. at no additional charge.

Returning residents of LUX can return at any time - the building will remain open during winter break.

The first day dining will be available is January 11. 

New Students

All students should go to their assigned residence hall's main office to pick up their room key and check-in material.

Unpaid parking that does not require a permit is available on and around campus near LUX and North Hall. Students are encouraged to seek these options out; otherwise, there are also paid parking options available.

Returning Students

Visit the housing portal at the time of your arrival to check back in for the spring semester.